24 September 2013

One Step Closer

Flying high after receiving positive reviews of a chapter of CrossWords at the SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators) MD/DE/WV conference this weekend. My one-on-one critique with an editor from Bloomsbury went even better than I had hoped, dreamed, or imagined, it being my first official writing conference, and the first time anyone outside my circle of friends or critique groups – let alone anyone from the publishing industry  – had read part of the book. This editor (not sure if it’s cool to mention her name in my blog) liked the chapter I submitted so much that she recommended I find an agent.

Huzzah! (Who says that?! Apparently I do. Must have RenFest on the brain.)
In my excitement, my brain turned to mush, and I neglected to ask her if there were any agents she would recommend as your average rational, thinking person might have done. But I suppose that’s really my homework.
Having basked in the glow for a good 24 -36 hours, it was time to get back to work this morning. Still have plenty of revising to do! Only now, in addition to rewriting the draft another few times, I need to (get to) write a full synopsis of the story, craft a query letter that casts me in an irresistible light, and start building a social media platform. (Twitterverse, here I come.)
No pressure. Let’s just call it urgency. A firm wind blowing from behind and pushing me ever closer to my dream of being a published author!