11 June 2008

Excuses, Excuses

As you may have noticed, I haven't written an entry for a while. It's not that I haven't been writing -- there are pages in my notebook that will attest to that -- I just haven't put anything here for a while. I have a whole lot of reasons why not...whether you choose to believe them is up to you.

1) I am saving my fingers for the painting I'm doing around the house.
2) The cat sat on the keyboard of my laptop and refused to move.
3) I was on the phone all day trying to solve the problem of the painted firebox at the new house -- before closing date arrives.
4) I didn't want the computer's fan to contribute to the ongoing heat wave.
5) I spent an entire afternoon trying to figure out how to burn pictures to a CD so I could get reprints and get the wedding album together before our first anniversary.
6) I was fighting off giant spider crickets so I could mop under the stairwell in the basement.
7) I was standing on my head trying to increase the time I can spend in that pose.
8) I was trying to beat my Pac-Man record.
9) The computer ate it.
10) I got distracted....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Valerie! You even sound like an author making up excuses! I wished I would be that witty.I couldn"t find the one excuse I was looking for:Why I didn"t let my parents know, what I dream of for my birthday.Therefore card and package will be late, But I am including lots of birthdayhugs from Mom and Dad.