13 April 2020

Give a Cat a Puzzle*

Give a cat a puzzle
and into the box she'll climb,
lie down on all the pieces,
settle in for napping time.

It's better that she's sleeping,
'cause if she's wide awake,
she'll sneak up on that puzzle
and the piece you need, she'll take.

She'll bat it with her tufted paws
send it flying through the air,
so when you need it    later on,
you'll find it won't be there.

And should you still ignore her,
to get your attention back,
she'll wiggle her hind-haunches
and prepare for an attack.

What happens next, you can't control --
a losing battle that.
A feline makes her own rules --
just ask any cat.

The purpose of a puzzle
may be lost upon your friend;
it matters not to her
how it winds up in the end.

So if snapping that last piece in
is the reward for which you thirst,
toss Kitty-Cat a mouse-y
or you'll have to find it first.

*Title and first line inspired by Laura Numeroff's much loved picture book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie


Cheryl said...

So, choosing a relaxing activity means asking permission of your family feline first? Hmm, this is why I have dogs😊.

Valhellah said...

Not sure felines understand the concept of permission...pretty sure they don't have a word for that! ;)