25 March 2008

Color Me Happy

A little experiment...can I successfully put an image in today's blog? Or will it just look like a lot of code?

Click here to create your own painting.

Hey, it worked!

It's a computer-generated painting of my day from a site my friend RVW's blog pointed me to. Analyzer that I am, I'm still trying to interpret the resulting image, particularly that thick, curvy stripe that looks a bit like a rainbow-colored yellow-brick road. The road to nowhere? Or the path I am on? And why does it say "IT" in blue-green letters in middle of the landscape? The end of an expletive? Or a sign that I've arrived (an "it-girl" without even trying)? I wonder how it would have turned out if I had said I was feeling depressed instead of happy?

What does your day look like? Go ahead, give it a try...you know you want to!

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