18 October 2012

A Story is Born

from a notebook entry at 5:24 p.m. yesterday after a particularly satisfying work day:

After an exhausting week of mucking through swamps, I found myself fully in the flow today as I worked at my writing desk. Some days I get a taste of that ease, but it has been a while since I have had a day of feeling immersed in it. A day where everything comes together with little or no struggle. Where synchronicities fall like rain. The image that came to mind mid-way through my post-lunch walk was one of scattered pieces of matter swirling around a dark, chaotic universe suddenly and unexpectedly coming into alignment, as if some mysterious force were pulling them together into one big harmonious dance.

It feels so good, this balance of work and play, that I don't want to leave my desk. I just want to bask in this universal flow some more.

What do I have to show for it? A plot line with the story's key energetic markers and a clear idea of where the scenes I have written so far fit into that sequence. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it is. The direction (map) I have been longing for, praying for, seeking and stalking for months has emerged from what I thought was a collection of random scenes.

Today, Gabby was looking over my shoulder and walking by my side, rejoicing right along with me at every discovery.

Is this the birth I have been waiting for?

Gabby was born January 19, 2010 -- the day she first introduced herself to me in a notebook entry -- but her story was born today!  And it was pure magic.

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