01 November 2012

Have Map, Will Travel!

Presenting...THE PLOT MAP! In miniature...
The Mock-up Map

...and fully grown.

The Real Thing

Yes, after two weeks of intensive plotting -- guided by Martha Alderson, The Plot Whisperer, via her book of that name -- I now have a 6-foot, color-coded map of the novel that will guide the rest of this journey -- through Texas (the middle) and beyond.

Turns out that the scenes I have already drafted make up not just the first quarter of the novel, but most of the first half, plus a few scattered scenes from the last half. Which means that writing 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo in the month of November would get me to the end of a rough draft of the whole novel, or at least very close.

So count me in. Starting at midnight (now), it's full writing speed ahead!

1 comment:

Jessica Hodgson said...

Wow! Go you!
I am still kind of without an idea, although maybe something's hanging out at the back of my mind. Maybe.

Clearly, I'm pantsing rather than plotting. XD